#5 Country
Check with your favorite universities in Latvia
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2 Universities found.
Check this out!
Latvia is home to a number of high-quality universities, making it a great option for international students. Some of the most popular universities in Latvia include:
Study in Latvia 🇦🇹
Minimum Qualification O/L
18 years above
1. Accounting
2. Aviation transport
3. Business Administration
4. Chemistry and chemical technology
5. Civil engineering
6. Culinary arts
7. Computer systems
8. Computer Science
9. Clothing and textile technology
10. Economics
11. Electrical engineering
12. Engineering technology mechanics and mechanical engineering
13. Entrepreneurship and management
14. Environmental engineering
15. Hotel Management
16. Management of international economic relations
17. Materials engineering
18. Medical engineering and physics
19. Railway engineering
20. Smart electronic systems
21. Smart power systems
22. Technical translation
23. Telecommunication technologies and data transmission engineering
24. Tourism Management
